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From 236Lbs to 185Lbs: User's 6 Month Weight Journey

Follow a Reddit user's weight loss journey, dropping from 236lbs to 185lbs in just 6 months.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'9" man showing a fat loss from 236 pounds to 185 pounds. A respectable loss of 51 pounds.
M/21/5'9 [236lbs > 185lbs = 51lbs] (6 months) A quick update.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

The Beginning of the Journey

At 236lbs and 5'9, the user was in the obese range according to the BMI scale. The user decided to make a change, starting by cutting out junk food and soda. They then began tracking their calories and hitting the gym consistently.

Making Progress

After a few weeks of consistent healthy habits, the user began to see a noticeable difference in their weight. They also started to feel better and more energized. Encouraged by their progress, they continued to push themselves and set new goals.

Sticking to It and Seeing Results

Consistency was key for the user, who continued to track their calories, exercise regularly, and make healthy food choices. Over the course of 6 months, they were able to drop 51lbs and reach a healthy weight of 185lbs.

Lessons Learned

The user mentioned learning the importance of creating a sustainable lifestyle change rather than resorting to crash diets or quick fixes. They also emphasized that progress takes time, but sticking with healthy habits pays off in the long run.

Encouragement to Try It Out

The user's journey serves as inspiration and shows that with consistent effort and healthy habits, anyone can make progress towards their weight loss goals. It's important to find what works for you and create a sustainable lifestyle change rather than relying on temporary solutions. Start small and build upon those healthy habits to see real results.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.