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From 280 to 190: a Slow but Steady Weight Loss Journey

Discover how one Reddit user, EdgarAllanPowned, lost 90 pounds over two years by adopting a gluten-free diet, cutting back on sugar, and adding more physical activity into their daily routine.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'5" female showing a weight loss from 280 pounds to 190 pounds. A respectable loss of 90 pounds.
F/18/5'5"[280>190](2014-2016) Slowly but surely, I'll get there!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight is a journey, and for many, it's a challenging one. However, by making small but sustainable changes to your diet and lifestyle, you can achieve significant long-term results. This is precisely what EdgarAllanPowned, a 5'5'' F/18 Reddit user, did, and it's inspiring to see the progress they made over two years.

Finding Out About Celiac Disease and Cutting Out Gluten

After discovering that they had celiac disease, EdgarAllanPowned decided to eliminate gluten from their diet entirely. This not only helped ease their digestive issues but also inadvertently led to weight loss. Gluten is present in various processed foods and snacks, which tend to be high in calories and low in nutrition. By cutting out gluten, the user started to consume more whole foods and fresh produce, which helped them feel fuller for more extended periods.

Cutting Back on Sugar and Soda

Besides gluten, EdgarAllanPowned also reduced their sugar and soda intake. Soda contains high amounts of sugar and calories that can lead to rapid weight gain, especially when consumed regularly. By replacing soda with water or unsweetened tea, EdgarAllanPowned avoided hundreds of extra calories each day.

Adding Exercise into Daily Routine

While the Reddit user did not go to the gym or engage in strenuous workouts, they did add more physical activity into their daily routine. Rather than drive to nearby places, they opted to walk or take their bike. EdgarAllanPowned also made it a point to go on bike rides whenever they were bored or feeling down, and this helped them maintain their motivation and consistency.


EdgarAllanPowned may have lost 90 pounds, but the key takeaway is that they did it at their own pace and in a way that suited their preferences and lifestyle. By making small, manageable changes to their diet and fitness routine, they achieved significant long-term results. If you're looking to shed some weight, EdgarAllanPowned's story is proof that it's possible to do so without extreme diets or intense workout routines. Try out some of the changes they made and see how they work for you!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.