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M/19/5'9 [257 > 206 = 51 Lbs]: a Journey Towards Self Improvement

Read about a Reddit user's weight journey, from unhealthy habits to a structured diet and workout plan.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'9" male showing a weight cut from 257 pounds to 206 pounds. A net loss of 51 pounds.
A before and after photo of a 5'9" male showing a weight cut from 257 pounds to 206 pounds. A net loss of 51 pounds.
A before and after photo of a 5'9" male showing a weight cut from 257 pounds to 206 pounds. A net loss of 51 pounds.
A before and after photo of a 5'9" male showing a weight cut from 257 pounds to 206 pounds. A net loss of 51 pounds.
A before and after photo of a 5'9" male showing a weight cut from 257 pounds to 206 pounds. A net loss of 51 pounds.
A before and after photo of a 5'9" male showing a weight cut from 257 pounds to 206 pounds. A net loss of 51 pounds.
M/19/5'9 [257 > 206 = 51 lbs] (8 months) Anxiety from a stutter + low confidence from obesity = time to make some changes. 11 lbs from GW of 195!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

Unhealthy Habits and Low Confidence Led to Change

The Reddit user jawshooa shares how his anxiety and low confidence from being obese with a stutter pushed him to make changes. He weighed 257lbs before his journey started and was able to reduce his weight to 206lbs in eight months.

Diet and Portion Control Made the Biggest Impact

For his diet, jawshooa started by limiting his carb intake to 1 cup of brown rice per day, which equates to about 60g of carbs. He also consumed extra lean meat as his main source of protein and ate 4-5 times a day with three snacks. He drank protein shakes whenever he needed one and removed snack foods and soda from his diet. Tracking his nutrition using nutrition labels helped him find what worked for him. He modified his diet as he progresses, and so far, his metabolism remains high, and his weight loss is not affected.

Weight Training Helps Burn Fat and Build Muscles

Jawshooa exercises at home with free weights and machines in his complex's little gym room. He begins with dumbbell exercises, followed by a few minutes of jogging, and then moves onto the machines at the little gym room. He performs 3 sets of 6-8 reps with gradually increasing weight and aims for weight where he almost fails near the end, but not quite. He also drops the weight to half until failure. He focuses on weight training to burn away fat and increase muscle growth. Jawshooa plans to continue this routine with a more focused lifting plan in the future, which will prepare him for powerlifting.

Maintaining a Consistent Routine Pays Off

Jawshooa's success can be attributed to his consistency in diet and workout routine. He acknowledges that it is challenging, but the key is sticking to the plan and making small modifications only when necessary. His weight loss journey impacted his life positively with the increase in his confidence and improved body image. He is 11lbs from his goal weight and plans to initiate powerlifting when he reaches it.


Jawshooa's journey towards self-improvement is inspiring to many, where he modified his unhealthy habits, adopted a nutrition-focused diet, and a weight training workout routine, which further boosted his confidence and improved his body image. His successful weight loss journey is an indication that consistency and making small modifications in the plan could lead to significant positive changes. Jawshooa's journey is proof that anyone can achieve their goals through hard work and discipline.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.