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From 185Lbs to 155Lbs: a Journey of 18 Months Towards a Healthier and Fitter Body

Read about lookitsKB’s weight loss journey of losing 30lbs and maintaining it while losing 2% body fat through daily exercise routines and a strict diet. Learn how he did it!

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'9" man showing a weight cut from 185 pounds to 155 pounds. A net loss of 30 pounds.
M/31/5'9" [185lbs > 155lbs] (18 mo) Maintained 155 for 6 months while losing another 2% bf. Feels great!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


When it comes to losing weight, the journey can be anything but easy. However, the Reddit user, lookitsKB, proved that with hard work, dedication, and a positive attitude, achieving weight loss goals and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is possible. Let’s dive deeper into their remarkable transformation journey, documented on Reddit.

The Journey

After 18 months of consistent workouts and a strict diet, lookitsKB was able to lose 30lbs, going from 185lbs to 155lbs. Even more impressive was their ability to maintain their weight at 155lbs for six months while losing an additional 2% body fat. The user says they achieved this remarkable feat primarily through exercise. The goal was to do something active every day, which included lifting weights three times a week, playing soccer and squash, and biking to work daily.

Diet & Exercise Routine

Regarding their diet, lookitsKB admits it was not the healthiest way to cut calories, but they stuck to eating only one meal while at work. They skipped breakfast if they had lunch plans and otherwise consumed a healthy breakfast that could carry them through the day. The key to their success was consistent exercise, with a great mix of aerobic and anaerobic workouts, paired with a strict diet plan.

Inspiration and Takeaways

The story of lookitsKB is an inspiration to anyone on a weight loss journey. It’s a testament to the immense benefits of taking control of one’s life and striving to be healthy. Rather than stressing over fad diets or elaborate workout routines, people should focus on making small, healthy changes to their lifestyle. By doing so consistently, it’s possible to achieve sustainable results. The journey may not always be easy or linear, but should you stay committed, the results speak for themselves.


From consistent exercise routines to sticking to a disciplined diet plan, lookitsKB's journey of losing weight demonstrates that small lifestyle changes can yield significant results. Remember, everyone’s journey may be different. However, the key is being determined, patient, and persistent through every step of the process. Try things yourself, and take inspiration from lookitsKB’s journey!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.