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A Journey to a Defined Jawline: Tikdoshe's 45 Lbs Weight Loss Story

Find out how Tikdoshe lost 45lbs in 9 months and achieved a more defined jawline through portion control and better food choices.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'10" man showing a weight cut from 217 pounds to 172 pounds. A respectable loss of 45 pounds.
M/22/5'10" [217lbs > 172lbs = 45lbs] (9 months?) I'm getting a jaw line!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Tikdoshe, a 22-year-old Reddit user, impressively lost 45lbs in 9 months and recently shared his transformation with the online community. Among the notable changes is his more defined jawline.

Portion Control and Better Food Choices

Tikdoshe shared that his biggest change was practicing portion control, and this helped him see results immediately. His face fat was the first area where he could see a noticeable difference. To keep up with his weight loss journey, he also needed to make better food choices. Despite the change in diet, he still eats more without going over his daily calorie limit, since he can fill himself up on healthier options. Eating habits change over time, and cravings become less frequent as the body gets used to healthier food. Consistency is key.

No Routine Needed

Tikdoshe prefers to keep his routine on the lenient side, doing bodyweight exercises like push-ups whenever he feels like it. Instead, he focuses more on controlling his food intake and fighting hunger. Drinking water helped him with this, as it made him feel full between meals.

Inspiring Others

Tikdoshe's journey motivated and inspired fellow Redditors to seek advice and push themselves to make the same or similar changes to their lifestyles. He suggested taking pictures to track progress and to set achievable goals that work on an individual level.


Tikdoshe serves as an excellent example that progress is possible with discipline, consistency, and making gradual changes to one's lifestyle. His journey towards a more defined jawline is one to celebrate and a reminder to others that small changes add up and yield great results over time.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.