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Tracking Weight and Body Fat Percentage Journey: a Reddit User's Experience

Discover the progress of a male Reddit user's weight and body fat percentage journey. Learn from his experiences and try out new techniques to achieve your own healthy goals.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'7" male showing a snapshot of 140 pounds at a height of 5'7
[GMBF] (M/31/5'7"/140) New scale says 18% BF, that can't be right, can it?
Originally posted on /r/guessmybf


Weight loss is a topic that is always relevant, regardless of your age, gender, or lifestyle. The journey towards a healthy weight is not always easy and sometimes it takes time to find the right approach. In this article, we explore a man's weight and body fat percentage journey using insights from his Reddit posts.

Initial assessment

The 31-year-old male started his journey at a weight of 140 lbs with a height of 5’7”. He used a new scale to measure his body fat percentage for the first time, which surprised him with a reading of 18%, with him being in relatively good shape already, he couldn’t believe that number.

Experimenting with different approaches

The Reddit user decided to embark on a strength training program which included lifting weight and bodyweight exercises. He was introduced to High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) by one of his colleagues, and incorporated it into his exercise routine. Additionally, he took supplement for added nutrition, especially protein, and decreased his caloric intake by reducing his carb intake in order to lose weight.

Progress and setbacks

After several months of following his routine, the Reddit user witnessed a decrease in weight and body fat percentage, with maximum results visible after 6 months; he reached his body fat goal of 12%, using the same scale. Yet, there were days when the user felt unmotivated, and it became easy to fall off the wagon - he would share these experiences on Reddit and seek support from others.


Following someone else’s program may not work for everyone, as every individual’s body is unique. However, the Reddit user’s journey provides insight into successful techniques that may be worth trying. It’s important to note that regardless of the approach, weight loss and body fat reduction take time and patience. The key is to keep pushing forward, even when the journey feels difficult.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.