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A Journey to Lose 115 Lbs in 2.5 Years: M/21/6'5" Shares His Weight Loss Success Story on Reddit

A young man's inspiring weight loss journey, shares his tips and tricks on how he lost 115lbs in 2.5 years through a healthy diet, exercise and determination.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 6'5" man showing a weight cut from 330 pounds to 215 pounds. A net loss of 115 pounds.
M/21/6'5" [330 > 215, 115 Lbs lost] (2.5 years)
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


A Reddit user, M/21/6'5" recently shared his incredible weight loss journey on the social news aggregation site. He lost a whopping 115lbs over 2.5 years and provided inspiring advice for others looking to achieve similar goals.


The user spoke about how he adopted a healthier diet by cutting out fast food, reducing his intake of soda and other sugary drinks, and eating more nutritious meals with lots of protein and vegetables. He also emphasized the importance of portion control and mindful eating.


The user started out by walking and gradually increased his level of activity through cardio and weight training. He worked with a personal trainer and found ways to make exercise a fun part of his daily routine.

Tips and Tricks

The user provided several tips for others looking to lose weight. Some of his suggestions include tracking progress with pictures and measurements, finding a workout buddy or support group, and focusing on the mental health benefits of exercise as much as the physical. He also emphasized the importance of self-forgiveness and not being too hard on oneself when setbacks occur.


The journey to lose weight can be a difficult one, but the Reddit user's success story serves as inspiration and motivation for anyone looking to achieve a healthier lifestyle. It is important to remember that everyone's journey is unique and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. The key to success is finding what works for you and sticking to it with determination and perseverance.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.