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Worth Continuing to Cut or Start Bulking? a Reddit User's Weight Journey

A Reddit user shares his progress with fellow fitness enthusiasts. Get inspired by his journey from 158lb to possibly cutting down further to 10% BF.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'7" man showing a snapshot of 158 pounds at a height of 5'7
[BoC] M/22/5'7/158lb - Worth cutting another 5-10lbs or should i just bulk?
Originally posted on /r/BulkOrCut


Downunderausi, a 22-year-old male who stands 5'7, shared his weight journey on Reddit. He asked the community whether he should continue cutting or start bulking again. His current weight is 158lb, but he was thinking of further cutting to 10% BF.

The Redditor's Progress

Downunderausi underwent a significant transformation, going from a bulk to a cut phase. His progress photo shows his abs being more visible, and his muscles more toned. However, he still wants to push further and see where it goes.

The Community's Response

The community responded with different opinions. One user opined that Downunderausi should not worry about numbers and instead focus on how he wants to look. He suggested cutting further to uncover muscles that are still hidden, then bulk again and target his weak points.

Key Takeaway

Downunderausi's weight journey and the community's response remind us that fitness is a personal journey. Goals are unique to each individual, and one size does not fit all. It is crucial to understand one's body and what works best for it, taking inspiration from others' journeys but tailoring it to meet one's aspirations.


Downunderausi's journey on Reddit inspires us to embark on our fitness journey, regardless of our starting points. While the community's response and support provided insights into the different aspects of fitness, the take-home message is that we should remember, in the end, understanding our body and what works best for it is the key to achieving our goals, be it bulking or cutting.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.