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Overcoming Obesity: a Reddit User's Journey Through Weight Loss

Read the inspiring story of mjc042 on his journey to lose 65 pounds and gain back his self-respect. Learn the secret behind his success.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'8" male showing a weight reduction from 315 pounds to 250 pounds. A net loss of 65 pounds.
M/34/5'8 [315>250=65lbs] Feeling better and treating myself with respect.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight is never easy. It takes time, patience, and a lot of discipline. But the rewards are worth it, as one Reddit user, mjc042, can attest to. With the support of his family and a renewed determination to take care of himself, mjc042 was able to shed 65 pounds, from 315 to 250, and reclaim his self-respect.

Facing Reality

One of the turning points for mjc042 was an embarrassing moment at an amusement park where he was unable to fit into a ride with his wife and kids. This reality check got him thinking about his health and how he was no longer taking care of himself. He knew he needed to make a change.

Taking Action

Mjc042 started with small changes - cutting out unhealthy snacks, drinking more water, and going for short walks. Over time, he began incorporating more exercise into his routine and making healthier food choices. It wasn't easy, but he found motivation from his family and the desire to be a better role model for his kids.

Reaping the Benefits

The hard work paid off for mjc042 as he began to see the results of his efforts. In addition to losing weight, he noticed that he had more energy, felt better mentally and emotionally, and was able to do things he hadn't been able to do before. His family was also proud of him and inspired by his commitment to improving his health.


Mjc042's journey shows that it's never too late to take care of yourself and make positive changes to your health. It takes time, effort, and the willingness to make small changes that can lead to big improvements. If you're struggling with weight loss, don't give up. Find support from family and friends, make small changes, and stay committed to your goals. You too can achieve success like mjc042.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.