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How This Reddit User Lost 44 Pounds: a Weight Loss Journey

Discover how Reddit user AccidentalOwl lost 44 pounds without self-sabotage, math, and fitness routine. Can you do it too?

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'1" female showing a weight reduction from 178 pounds to 134 pounds. A net loss of 44 pounds.
F/34/5'1" [178 - 134 = 44 lbs down, about 15 to go] I couldn't really tell much difference in my face until I was looking back through some old pics...
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Reddit user AccidentalOwl, a 34-year old woman with 5'1'' height, successfully shed 44 pounds and counting. Her post generated 117 upvotes and intriguing comments like "how did you do it?" and "congratulations!" Here's how she did it.

The Weight Loss Journey

For years, AccidentalOwl struggled with weight loss due to fatlogic and self-sabotage. Then, she had an epiphany around May when she realized that her fear of losing weight was holding her back. To achieve her weight loss goal, she figured up her BMR and TDEE, and kept meticulous track of her intake.

The Math and Fitness Routine

AccidentalOwl's success is credited to her honesty about what she eats and how much exercise she does. She plans her daily intake limit of 1200 calories by counting every bit and piece of food and drink she consumes. She also allows herself to drink coffee but encourages herself to drink it black or take only a small amount of half-and-half creamer. She workouts by doing at least 30 minutes on the treadmill every day and weights 5 times a week. She doesn't usually eat back her exercise calories.

Current Progress and Goal

Since starting this routine earlier this year, AccidentalOwl dropped from 175 to 131 pounds, with a goal of reaching 125 pounds by the next 3 weeks or so. Her success emphasizes that maintaining a checklist of calorie and nutrient intake, coupled with a balanced workout routine, can help you achieve your desired weight.


AccidentalOwl's weight loss journey is an inspiration to many who are seeking to lose weight. Her success story is proof that self-monitoring and being truthful about what you it and how you exercise can help you reach your weight goal. Try taking a small step toward a healthy diet and simple exercise routine every day and note your progress. The journey is worth it.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.