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A 24 Year Old Male's Weight Loss Journey: Lessons Learned

Read about a 24-year-old male's weight loss journey, including tips on cutting, bulking and ab work, as shared on Reddit.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'9" male showing a snapshot of 150 pounds at a height of 5'9
[BoC] 24 M/5'9/150 - ~15 lbs into cut
Originally posted on /r/BulkOrCut


A 24-year-old male who goes by the username bulkorcutorfuckit on Reddit shared his weight loss journey in a post. He reported losing around 15 lbs over two months and feeling skinny and weak, though muscle ups have gotten easier. He wanted to achieve abs by the end of his cut and asked for advice on whether to continue the cut or switch to a slow bulk instead.

The Importance of Abs Work

One of the lessons learned from bulkorcutorfuckit's weight loss journey is the importance of focusing on abs work to achieve visible abs. Even though he lost around 15 lbs, he felt skinny and weak because he neglected his core muscles before and during his cut. Abs work, such as crunches, planks, and cable twists, can help strengthen and tone these muscles, making them more visible when body fat decreases.

Cutting vs. Bulking

Another lesson learned is the importance of knowing when to cut and when to bulk. In their Reddit post, bulkorcutorfuckit received advice to bulk since he didn't have enough abs to make the rest of the cut worth it. However, it's essential to do a lean bulk with ab work 2-3 times a week and focus on upper chest to avoid gaining too much fat. Understanding your body and goals can help determine whether to cut or bulk.

The Risk of Cutting Too Fast

bulkorcutorfuckit reported feeling pretty skinny and weak after losing 15 lbs in two months. While rapid weight loss may seem attractive, especially when trying to achieve a specific goal like visible abs, it can be risky. Cutting too fast can result in muscle loss, weakness, and fatigue. It's essential to lose weight at a healthy and sustainable rate to avoid these negative consequences.


bulkorcutorfuckit's weight loss journey is a reminder that achieving a specific goal, such as visible abs, requires a combination of exercise, diet, and patience. It's crucial to focus on core muscles, monitor body fat percentage, and understand when to cut or bulk to achieve a healthy and sustainable transformation. By learning from bulkorcutorfuckit's journey, readers can try things out for themselves and develop their own weight loss strategies.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.