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M/20/5'7" [311Lbs > 189Lbs = 122Lbs] Weight Loss Journey in 11 Months

Learn how a Reddit user, mtb29, lost 122lbs in 11 months with healthier food choices and drinking water/tea. Motivate to try for yourself

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'7" man showing a weight cut from 311 pounds to 189 pounds. A respectable loss of 122 pounds.
M/20/5'7" [311lbs > 189lbs = 122lbs] (11 months) Almost been a year...
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


MtB29's journey shows that healthy eating habits and consistent weight loss practices go a long way. With dedication and hard work, he lost 122lbs in just 11 months. This article summarizes his journey and what made him successful in his weight loss program.

A Change of Diet

MtB29's success was due in part to his dietary changes. Instead of eating fast food and drinking sugary sodas, he began eating healthier foods and drinking only water and tea. Planning and preparing meals ahead of time also helped him stay on track.


MtB29's weight loss was not overnight. It took time, effort, and consistency. He did not give up when he fell off track, and he always got back up again. This is an important lesson for anyone looking to lose weight. Consistency is key.


While a support system can be helpful in achieving weight loss goals, motivation comes from within. MtB29 motivated Himself by setting smaller and achievable goals and pushing himself to reach them. This helped him avoid burnout and stay on course.


The path to weight loss success requires discipline, dedication, and consistency. MtB29's journey shows us that adopting healthier eating habits and staying persistent can achieve remarkable results. Use this as motivation to try the same for yourself.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.