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From 275Lbs to 152Lbs: a 2 Year Weight Loss Journey

A Reddit user's inspiring weight loss journey from 275lbs to 152lbs in 2 years. Find out her secret to success and how she deals with loose skin.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'5" female showing a weight reduction from 275 pounds to 152 pounds. A net loss of 123 pounds.
F/23/5'5'' [275lbs > 152lbs = 123lbs] (2 years) 5-7lbs to go but I've never imagined to come this far!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


A Reddit user with the username dudu_rocks has shared her inspiring weight loss journey with the world. In just 2 years, she managed to lose 123lbs, going from 275lbs to 152lbs. Her journey has inspired and motivated thousands of people on Reddit, who have upvoted her post 2123 times and left dozens of positive comments.

Dealing with Loose Skin

One of the concerns many people have when losing a significant amount of weight is loose skin. And dudu_rocks is no exception. She admits to having a lot of loose skin, particularly in her tummy and arms. While she plans to wait for one or two years to see if it will go back to its normal state, she is also considering surgery eventually. However, she believes that loose skin is a small price to pay for being healthier and slimmer.

Her Secret to Success

So what was dudu_rocks' secret to losing 123lbs in 2 years? Discipline. She started with Weight Watchers and developed a lot of discipline in the beginning, being very careful with her points. After half a year, she switched to the gym and combined lifting with a lot of cardio (5-6 hours per week). She ate very low-fat and kept away from fast food. In the last few months, she has slowed down and integrated healthy eating into her normal lifestyle. She still indulges in sweets but has learned to moderate.

Inspiring Others

Dudu_rocks' weight loss saga has inspired thousands of Reddit users, particularly those who are starting their own weight loss journeys. Her post is full of positive comments from people who admire her determination and progress. She has also answered many of their questions and offered uplifting and encouraging words to those struggling with their weight.


Dudu_rocks' weight loss journey is a testament to the power of discipline, determination, and perseverance. It shows that with the right mindset and the right tools, anyone can achieve their weight loss goals. Her story also reminds us that loose skin is not a reason to stop losing weight or giving up. It is a small price to pay for a healthier and happier life.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.