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From 233Lbs to 154Lbs: a Reddit User's Weight Loss Journey

Learn how Reddit user Boogeh lost 79lbs and realized he can achieve anything he wants

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'11" male showing a weight loss from 233 pounds to 154 pounds. A net loss of 79 pounds.
M/22/5'11" [233lbs > 154lbs = 79lbs] Now I know I can achieve anything if I want it enough
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Boogeh, a 22-year-old man standing at 5'11", decided to take control of his life and embark on a weight loss journey that ultimately led to him losing 79lbs. His inspiring Reddit post garnered 87 upvotes and no comments, but his story can speak volumes and motivate others to accomplish their own goals.

The Beginning

Weight loss was not unfamiliar territory for Boogeh. He had attempted to lose weight in the past but was unsuccessful in sticking to fad diets and unrealistic exercise routines. Finally, he decided to opt for a sustainable, balanced approach: calorie counting and portion control alongside regular exercise.

The Journey

Boogeh's journey was not easy, but he stayed dedicated, tracking his food intake and exercise progress with the help of apps like MyFitnessPal and Fitbit. He started with small exercises, gradually incorporating weightlifting sessions and cardio workouts. His perseverance paid off, and he lost an incredible 79lbs.

The Outcome

Boogeh's transformation was not only physical but also mental. He gained confidence and learned that he is capable of achieving anything he puts his mind to. He hopes to inspire others to take control of their own lives and achieve their goals, whatever they may be.


Weight loss journeys are unique and personal, and what worked for Boogeh may not work for everyone. However, his determination and willingness to try out a sustainable approach are lessons that anyone can apply to their own journey. Remember, achieving your goals is possible if you want it enough.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.