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F/35/5'2" Woman Loses 154 Lbs in 27 Months: Journey of Progress Pictures

A woman on Reddit posts a weight loss journey over 27 months, losing 154 lbs. The user uses progress pictures in the journey, inspiring many commenters.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'2" woman showing a weight cut from 317 pounds to 163 pounds. A net loss of 154 pounds.
F/35/5'2" [317lbs>163lbs= 154lbs] (27 months) I love taking progress pictures in the same place. Left picture was right at the beginning of my journey, the right picture was today. Kid is getting bigger, I'm getting smaller 😄
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

Journey of Progress Pictures

In a Reddit post, a woman describes her weight loss journey of 154 lbs over the course of 27 months. She notes that she loves taking progress pictures in the same place to track her progress. In the left picture, she is at the beginning of her journey and in the right picture, she has come a long way since then.

Inspiring Comments

The user's post inspires many Reddit commenters who leave congratulatory notes and express admiration for her hard work. Some commenters take the opportunity to ask her how she achieved her weight loss, while others commend her for being such an inspiration to so many people.

Set a Great Example for Her Son

One commenter notes that the woman is setting a great example for her son by leading a healthy lifestyle and being active with him. Being a good role model is an important aspect of parenting that is often overlooked, and it is very encouraging to see this woman taking such a proactive approach.

Importance of Consistency

When asked how she achieved her weight loss, the woman mentions that she did 16:8 intermittent fasting and calorie counting using MyFitnessPal. However, she states that much of the weight loss came as a result of identifying serving sizes of food and sticking to them. This shows that the most important aspect of weight loss is consistency over a long period of time.

Try it for Yourself

This story of a woman who lost 154 lbs over the course of 27 months is truly inspiring. It shows that with consistency and a healthy lifestyle, anyone can achieve their weight loss goals. If you are struggling with weight loss, try implementing some of the tips that this woman used, such as intermittent fasting and calorie counting. You might be surprised to find that they work for you too.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.