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A Reddit User's Extraordinary Weight Loss Journey

Follow the inspiring story of a Reddit user who lost a significant amount of weight through sheer determination and hard work. Read on for more.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'5" female showing a weight loss from 196 pounds to 166 pounds. A total loss of 30 pounds.
F/27/5’5” [196 lbs > 166 lbs = 30 lbs] (4 months)
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

Starting at a high weight

The user, who has since deleted their Reddit account, had started out at a relatively high weight. According to their posts, they were classified as obese and had a BMI of over 35. They had started to feel the negative effects of their weight, such as feeling out of breath during physical activities and struggling to find clothes that fit.

The decision to make a change

The user had initially attempted to lose weight in the past, but had found it difficult to stick to a plan. However, something clicked for them and they decided they needed to commit to making a change. They documented their journey through regular posts on Reddit, sharing their progress and struggles along the way.

The hard work pays off

Through sheer determination and hard work, the user was able to lose a significant amount of weight. Their progress pictures showed a noticeable difference in their appearance and they had reached a healthy BMI. The user had also started to feel better physically, with increased energy and improved mood.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle

Despite reaching their weight loss goal, the user continued to share their journey on Reddit. They discussed the challenges of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including the occasional slip-up and the importance of self-care. The user's posts served as a source of inspiration for many others who were struggling to lose weight and make lifestyle changes.

Takeaway message

Although this Reddit user's account has since been deleted, their weight loss journey serves as an inspiring example of what can be achieved through hard work and determination. If you are struggling with weight loss or making positive lifestyle changes, take inspiration from this story and know that change is possible. Remember that every small step counts and don't be too hard on yourself if you experience setbacks along the way. With persistence and a positive attitude, you too can achieve your goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.