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10Lbs Lost: How Fitness Changed This User's Life

Read about a Reddit user's inspiring fitness journey from 174 lbs. to 164 lbs. in 12 months by adopting a healthy lifestyle.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'9" woman showing a weight cut from 174 pounds to 164 pounds. A net loss of 10 pounds.
F/28/5’9 [174lbs > 164lbs = 10lbs lost] (12 months) not the most dramatic change… but I feel awesome! Fittest I’ve ever been ☺️
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Dense-Sandwich-5383, a Reddit user, recently shared her 10-pound weight loss journey on the website. Despite feeling like her transformation wasn't as dramatic as those who have lost 50 or more pounds, her progress is significant, and she feels like a completely different person. She credits her new lifestyle, including a regular exercise routine, for giving her the confidence and energy to take on anything.

The Journey

Dense-Sandwich-5383's 10-pound weight loss isn't a massive transformation, but the difference is clear to see. In her before-and-after photos, she shows off her new toned arms, shoulders, and abs. She looks much more athletic and fit in her after picture, and her hard work has paid off. Although she was frustrated that her progress wasn't as significant as others, she remained committed to her fitness routine and has reaped the benefits.

Lifestyle Changes

Dense-Sandwich-5383 said that fitness is now a significant part of her life, and her daily routine includes regular exercise. She goes to the gym five times a week, where she takes part in 45-minute classes that are intense but effective. She enjoys the challenge and puts in 100 percent effort every time she works out. She also mentioned that she's more conscious of what she eats and makes healthier choices.


The comments left on Dense-Sandwich-5383's Reddit post are full of admiration for her transformation. Several users said that 10 pounds is a significant amount of weight to lose, and they could see the difference. Others praised her dedication to the gym and asked about her fitness routine. Many commented on how great she looks and congratulated her on her progress.


Dense-Sandwich-5383's transformation is an inspiring reminder that progress is progress, no matter how small it may seem. She is a testament to the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise. By making fitness a priority, she regained her confidence, energy, and health. Her story shows that even small changes can have a positive impact on one's life. Try making some small changes today and see how they can impact your life!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.