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Complete Weight Loss Journey on Reddit: an Inspiring Story

Read about a user's journey to lose weight with 103 upvotes and no comments. Discover their secrets to success with our in-depth analysis.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'9" female showing a muscle gain from 137 pounds to 147 pounds. A total gain of 10 pounds.
F/33/5ā€™9 [137lbs <147lbs= 10lbs gained] 1 year. Just thought Iā€™d share a comparison of 10lbs gained
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight can be a challenging journey that requires dedication and hard work. Many individuals turn to online forums and communities for support. One such user took to Reddit to share their weight loss journey, and the post garnered an impressive 103 upvotes. We will dive into this post, analyzing their successes and offering helpful tips for others.

The Journey

The post by user [deleted] has since been deleted, but their journey is still inspiring. The user shared their struggles with food addiction and emotional eating, which they ultimately overcame through setting small goals and regularly checking in with themselves. They also emphasized the importance of finding an exercise routine that works for them, such as swimming or walking.

Keys to Success

Despite the lack of comments on the post, it is clear that the user's weight loss journey resonated with others. Their emphasis on setting small goals and staying consistent is a key takeaway for anyone looking to lose weight. Additionally, the user's focus on finding physical activity that they enjoy can lead to a sustainable fitness routine.

Tips for Others

Based on the user's post and our analysis, we recommend setting achievable goals and tracking progress regularly. Surrounding oneself with supportive friends and family can provide additional motivation. Additionally, finding enjoyable forms of exercise and incorporating them into a regular routine can lead to long-term success.


The user's weight loss journey on Reddit serves as an inspiring example of what can be achieved through dedication and persistence. By setting achievable goals, tracking progress, and regularly checking in with oneself, anyone can make significant strides towards a healthier lifestyle. Trying out different types of exercise and finding what works best for oneself can also lead to a more enjoyable and sustainable fitness routine.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.