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F/27/5’7 [284>183=101 Lbs] the Weight Loss Journey Which Made Reddit Believe in Pineapple Tops

Discover the inspiring weight loss journey of Reddit user keepitmelmel that led to a 101-pound loss and a new sense of confidence, complete with face and ear gains and a pineapple top moment. Learn how she discovered intermittent fasting and her struggle with loose skin as she shares her tips and transformation photos with the community.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'7" female showing a weight loss from 284 pounds to 101 pounds. A total loss of 183 pounds.
F/27/5’7 [284>183=101 lbs] I've included the pineapple top for you non-believers!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

Introduction: A Newfound Confidence After 101-Pound Loss

Reddit user keepitmelmel has been making waves on the platform thanks to her inspiring weight loss journey. She shared her incredible 101-pound transformation from 284 to 183 pounds in a post that quickly went viral. What's more, keepitmelmel added a pineapple top photo to prove her non-believers wrong. Beyond the fun viral aspect, keepitmelmel's journey has been one of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. Let's take a closer look at her journey and the lessons she has to share with others.

Discovering Intermittent Fasting and Nourishing the Body

One of the keys to keepitmelmel's success has been her intuitive approach to intermittent fasting. While she wasn't following a strict regimen, her body naturally settled into a pattern that involved skipping breakfast and eating between 1 pm and 8 pm. This helped her avoid indigestion overnight while still allowing her to nourish her body with healthy and nutritious foods. Keepitmelmel also emphasizes the importance of being kind to yourself and practicing self-love throughout the weight loss journey.

Challenges with Loose Skin and the Decision to Remove it

One of the biggest challenges after a significant weight loss is loose skin, and keepitmelmel is no exception. She notes that she is considering getting it removed but wants to lose another 30 pounds and maintain her weight for a while first. While loose skin can be discouraging, keepitmelmel emphasizes that it's a small price to pay for the incredible transformation she has experienced. She encourages others to focus on the positive changes they are making in their lives and to celebrate their progress along the way.

The Importance of Community and Being Authentic

Finally, keepitmelmel shares that one of the most critical factors in her journey has been the support of her community. She credits the Reddit community with helping her stay accountable, providing motivation, and sharing experiences and tips that have helped her along the way. She also emphasizes the importance of being authentic and sharing both the highs and lows of the journey. By being vulnerable, keepitmelmel has built a connection with like-minded individuals who have helped her stay the course, even when the going got tough.

Conclusion: Inspiring Others to Take Charge of Their Health

Keepitmelmel's weight loss journey is a testament to the power of hard work, dedication, and community. Her inspiring transformation shows that it's never too late to take charge of your health and improve your life. Whether it's through intuitive eating, intermittent fasting, or finding a supportive community, there are many paths to success. Keepitmelmel encourages others to try things out for themselves, listen to their bodies, and celebrate their progress along the way. The result can be a newfound sense of confidence, joy, and accomplishment.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.