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A Massive 137 Pound Weight Loss Journey in Two Years: How It Starts with Simple Lifestyle Changes

This article reports on a 61-year-old man's major weight loss accomplishment of losing 137 pounds in two years. By analyzing his Reddit post, he shares important insights related to the changes he made in his lifestyle.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'10" man showing a fat loss from 292 pounds to 155 pounds. A respectable loss of 137 pounds.
M/61/5'10" [292 lbs. > 155 lbs. = 137 lbs. since 8.20.20 (24 months)] What a difference two years makes ... When you start taking care of yourself, amazing things can happen.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


EvisNuture, a 61-year-old man, successfully lost 137 pounds over a period of two years and posted about it on Reddit, where his post garnered significant attention from the community. By analyzing his post, this article presents insights about his weight loss journey, including lifestyle changes he made that paved the way for his success.

The Importance of Food, and Portion Control

EvisNuture, in his post, emphasized that food should not be considered an enemy when it comes to weight loss. Instead, he believes that the timing, location, and reason for eating are more critical, alongside portion control. Instead of restricting certain types of food from his diet, EvisNuture focused on regulating his portion size, a critical tool for effective weight loss. He shared that with the right mindset and calculation, consuming anything in proper quantities could be a part of a healthy diet.

The Role of Mindfulness and Food Logging

EvisNuture revealed that he based his routine around a three-legged stool of portion control, food logging, and mindfulness. Food logging involves tracking your intake, which helps make more informed choices, stay accountable, and note what works or doesn't work for your body. Mindfulness means being conscious of what and how much you are eating and focused wholly on the present moment to avoid overeating.

The Power of Simple Lifestyle Changes

The success of EvisNuture's weight loss journey is a testament to his commitment to simple changes that led to drastic improvements. By looking at his before and after pictures, he looks like a different person. He stated that people who knew him well could not recognize him anymore. His achievement shows the rewards waiting for individuals who commit to dietary and mental changes, and he encourages others to experience the feeling themselves.


EvisNuture's story is a prime example of how practical lifestyle changes can lead to achieving personal goals. Beyond looking healthier than ever and changing his appearance, he has also managed to increase his life span, avoid some health conditions, and improve his mental health. His message offers valuable insights that others can benefit from, never to underestimate the power of the mind, physical activity, good nutrition, and confident mindset.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.