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From 185Lbs to 139Lbs in 17 Months: a Bodybuilder's Weight Loss Journey

Follow the journey of Reddit user thatgirlsquatsss, who lost 46lbs in 17 months. Learn about her bodybuilding-inspired lifestyle and upcoming wellness show prep.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'5" woman showing a weight cut from 185 pounds to 139 pounds. A net loss of 46 pounds.
F/29/5’5” [185lbs > 139lbs =46lbs] (17 Months) Lived like a bodybuilder for a good year and decided to start actual prep for my first Wellness show. Not where I want to be, but excited to see where this prep goes 🫠
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Thatgirlsquatsss, a 29-year-old female Redditor, shares her incredible weight loss journey. Over 17 months, she went from 185lbs to 139lbs, losing a total of 46lbs. Her original post documents her excitement as she starts her prep for her first wellness show.

Emulating a bodybuilder

Thatgirlsquatsss attributes her weight loss success to living like a bodybuilder for a good year. Although she does not specify what this entails, bodybuilding typically involves a strict diet and exercise regimen that prioritizes muscle growth and fat loss. She mentions that it was not until after this bodybuilding-inspired year that she decided to start actual prep for her first wellness show. Maintaining a bodybuilder's lifestyle requires dedication and commitment, but it can lead to incredible results!

Continuing on the weight loss journey

Despite her incredible transformation, Thatgirlsquatsss says that she is not yet where she wants to be. However, she is excited to see where her wellness show prep will take her. Her latest update shows that she hit a new low at 136.6lbs. The weight loss journey is not over yet!

Encouragement to try it for yourself

Thatgirlsquatsss's transformation is a testament to what can be accomplished through dedication and hard work. However, her journey is unique to her, and what worked for her may not work for everyone. If you're looking to lose weight or make lifestyle changes, find what works best for you, and don't be afraid to try new things. Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination.


Thatgirlsquatsss's weight loss journey is an inspiration to anyone looking to make positive changes in their life. Her dedication to a bodybuilder's lifestyle has paid off, and she is now preparing for her first wellness show. Her advice to others is to find what works best for them and to keep pushing themselves. The weight loss journey is not always easy, but the results can be life-changing!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.