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A 70Lb Weight Loss Journey: Lessons Learned From a Reddit User

Read about a Reddit user's incredible weight loss success story using CICO, exercise and fitness tracking.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'1" woman showing a weight cut from 177 pounds to 107 pounds. A net loss of 70 pounds.
F/48/5’1” [177lbs>107lbs=70lbs] 2 years. I feel incredible. Highly recommended.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Reddit user pipespipespipes shared her incredible weight loss journey and inspired thousands of people. In two years, the 48-year-old woman lost 70 pounds and looks great. Her post has over 2,000 upvotes and 150 comments, as people eagerly asked for advice and support.

The Secret: CICO

According to pipespipespipes, her secret to weight loss was the CICO method - calories in, calories out. She used an Apple watch to track her daily exercise, aiming to burn 600 calories. She used My Fitness Pal to monitor her calorie intake, aiming for a daily total energy expenditure (TEE) of 1208 calories. Pipespipespipes recommends being honest with yourself and finding an approach that you can follow every day.

Exercise & Movement

To achieve her weight loss goals, pipespipespipes made exercise and movement a priority. She woke up early each day to go for a 5k run in the morning, which burned around 220 calories. She also played tennis and golf, trying to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle. She recommends everyone to find a physical activity they enjoy and to maintain a certain level of daily movement.

Diet & Nutrition

Pipespipespipes maintained a healthy and balanced diet throughout her weight loss journey. She regularly checked her calorie consumption and consumed nutrient-dense foods, avoiding fast food, and sugary drinks. However, she admitted that she also enjoyed food and didn't want to feel restricted, so she found a balance between her calorie restrictions and her hunger. She eats healthy most of the time but allows for occasional treats.

Skin Elasticity & Water Intake

One of the most common questions from Reddit users was about her skin elasticity. Pipespipespipes admitted that loose skin was a concern, but her skin tightened up over time. She also drinks lots of water to keep her skin hydrated and elastic. Her final advice to anyone on a weight loss journey is to stay dedicated, keep an open mind, and don't give up. Losing weight is a challenge, but the rewards are truly worth it.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.