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Overcoming Body Dysmorphia After Losing over 250Lbs

A man's incredible weight loss journey, from 468lbs to 208lbs with the help of self-accountability and baby steps, shares his ongoing challenge with body dysmorphia on a Reddit post.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 6'1" male showing a weight loss from 468 pounds to 208 pounds. A net loss of 260 pounds.
M/33/6'1" [468lbs<208lbs =260lbs] I still feel like I look my heaviest (3-4 years)
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

The Journey To A Total Transformation

LargeFlask, a 33-year-old man and a Reddit user, had weighed 468 pounds for several years. Three or four years ago, he decided to embark on a significant transformation journey, which led him to lose over 250 pounds, leaving him with 208lbs.

Body Dysmorphia: Struggle With Self-Image

While the obvious physical changes are profound, LargeFlask struggled to come to terms with his new appearance. On his post, he shared that his biggest problem is his ongoing battle with body dysmorphia, which makes him feel like he still looks his heaviest. Other Reddit users showed their support, suggesting that it would be helpful for him to have a wardrobe overhaul. Nonetheless, it is a common problem with people who have undergone significant weight loss.

Hitting The Mental Reset Button

According to LargeFlask, the essential point was him wanting to make the change wholeheartedly. For him, the motivation was his constant struggle with being only 'OK' and putting things off until tomorrow. LargeFlask's advice is to start small and keep oneself accountable, reminding oneself that if you could be responsible for someone else, why not start with oneself. In essence, he encourages individuals to hit the mental reset button, one baby step at a time.

The Importance Of Self-Validation

Self-validation and confidence go a long way for people on a journey to weight loss. LargeFlask emphasizes the importance of being confident and valuing oneself. According to him, it does not happen overnight but keeping oneself accountable, recognizing tiny progress along the way, is what matters the most.

Thriving Despite Body Dysmorphia

LargeFlask's journey continues, and his most significant milestone remains his accomplishment in losing over 250lbs of weight. He may still see himself as someone who is not significantly different from his former overweight self, but he knows that he has come a long way. LargeFlask's journey into self-accountability, hitting the mental reset button, and valuing himself on his terms is an inspiration for anyone who wants to make a positive change in their life.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.