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From Marine to Desk Job: This Reddit User’s Incredible Weight Loss Journey

Read about cbora1’s inspiring story of losing over 100 lbs to join the Marines, and then struggling with weight gain during desk job and pandemic. Discover how they got back on track to lose weight using CICO, running, and resistance training.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 6'2" man showing a weight cut from 280 pounds to 205 pounds. A total loss of 75 pounds.
M/27/6'2" [280>205=75] [296>236=60] (2011 until now) Life has its ups and downs.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

Overcoming Setbacks

Cbora1 started their weight loss journey in 2011, losing over 100 lbs to join the Marines in 2012-2013. However, life threw curveballs at them after they left the Marines, as they started working and going to school full-time, and let themselves go. In 2019, they experienced a disc bulge and their appendix burst, leading to significant weight gain in the following months. Then in 2021, they had a personal loss that triggered binge eating.

Getting Back on Track

Despite these setbacks, cbora1 found their way back to fitness by starting to run and doing CICO in February 2021. Two months later, they added resistance training to their routine 5x a week, and started to see a semblance of who they were a few years ago.

Importance of Consistency

Cbora1’s story is a testament to the fact that life is never a straight line, and setbacks and challenges are inevitable. However, it’s never too late to get back on track and work towards your goals. Consistency is key, and slow and steady progress is better than trying to achieve quick results.

Staying Motivated

Cbora1 found motivation to get back on track by starting to run again and following CICO. By seeing progress in their weight loss and fitness, they were able to stay motivated to add more resistance training to their routine, leading to more positive changes.

Takeaway Message

Cbora1’s weight loss journey is a lesson on perseverance and resilience. No matter how many setbacks we face, it’s always possible to get back on track and work towards our goals. By finding a fitness routine that works for us, being consistent, and staying motivated, we can achieve great things for our mental and physical health.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.