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Balancing Consistency and Enjoyment: a Journey to Sustainable Weight Loss

Follow one woman's 3-year journey to sustainable weight loss through balance, consistency and finding exercise she enjoys.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'8" woman showing a weight cut from 164 pounds to 145 pounds. A total loss of 19 pounds.
F/29/5'8" [164 lbs > 145 lbs] 3 years apart so mostly in maintenance now. I aim for balance and consistency. Oh and I found exercise I ~actually~ enjoyed (yoga). Mental health is just as important as physical health.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Weight loss can be a challenging and complex journey, but it doesn't have to be done alone. Reddit user Timetofacethemirror shared her experience losing 19 lbs and maintaining her weight for 3 years. Her approach to weight loss includes balancing consistency along with finding exercise she actually enjoys.

Starting Point and Journey

Timetofacethemirror began her journey at 164 lbs and aimed to lose weight in a sustainable way. She found success by starting small and focusing on consistency. Her journey wasn't always linear, but she learned to prioritize long-term progress rather than short-term perfection. By incorporating exercise she enjoys, such as yoga, into her routine, she was able to maintain her weight and improve her mental health.

Importance of Mental Health

Timetofacethemirror emphasizes that physical health and mental health are equally important. She found that exercise, especially yoga, not only improved her physical health but also her mental health. It helped her manage stress, anxiety, and depression, and taught her to love and take care of her body. Taking care of one's mental health can also prevent emotional eating and promote a healthier relationship with food and exercise.

Balancing Consistency and Enjoyment

Sustainable weight loss is about finding balance between consistency and enjoyment. Timetofacethemirror found that creating a routine and being consistent allowed her to make progress even on days when she didn't feel motivated. She also found that incorporating exercise that she enjoyed made weight loss feel less like a chore and more like a hobby. By finding the right balance, she was able to lose weight and maintain her healthy habits.

Takeaway Message

Timetofacethemirror's journey to sustainable weight loss teaches us to prioritize balance, consistency, and enjoyment in our weight loss journey. By taking care of our mental health, being consistent, and incorporating exercise we enjoy, we can achieve our weight loss goals and make lasting changes. Everyone's journey is unique, but taking small steps and being kind to ourselves is key to success.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.