From Underweight to Healthy: One Man's Journey to a Better Body

Read about a young man's year-long journey from being underweight to achieving a healthy weight, and the small changes that kept him motivated along the way.

Article by Madeleine Smith

Published 2 years ago

Originally posted on /r/progresspics

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💪 Weight Gain Progress

Starting Weight

Current Weight

BMI Change

18.2 → 20.1 1.9 point change

For one young man, the decision to pursue a healthier body began with a simple goal: to no longer be underweight. For years, the Reddit user known only as [deleted] had struggled to put on muscle and reach a healthy weight. But over the course of a year, he slowly began to make progress thanks to small changes in his daily routine.

Commitment to Change

The first step towards a healthier body is often the hardest one to take, but [deleted] was determined to commit to his goal. He began by incorporating more protein into his diet, and adding regular strength training to his exercise routine. These small changes soon began to yield noticeable results.

Small Progress, Big Rewards

In the course of a year, [deleted] gained 13 pounds and reached a healthier weight. While this may not seem like a significant amount, for someone who had struggled with being underweight their whole life, it was a major achievement. What's more, the small progress he made along the way kept him motivated to continue his healthy habits.

The Power of Motivation

There are many factors that contribute to maintaining a healthy body, but perhaps the most important is motivation. Whether it's setting achievable goals, finding an exercise routine you enjoy, or simply tracking your progress, finding ways to stay motivated can be the key to achieving your fitness goals.

For [deleted], the journey from being underweight to achieving a healthy weight was not always easy, but small changes and a commitment to his goal made all the difference. His story is a reminder that anyone can achieve their fitness goals, as long as they are committed to making small changes and staying motivated along the way.

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