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How One Reddit User Lost 14Lbs in His 2 Year Weight Loss Journey

Read the inspiring story of Reddit user Kenpachi_reddit, as he discusses his journey to weight loss and shedding 14lbs in 2 years.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'10" male showing a weight loss from 168 pounds to 154 pounds. A total loss of 14 pounds.
M/33/5'10" [168lbs > 154lbs = 14lbs] 2 year journey
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

The Journey Begins

Kenpachi_reddit decided to begin a weight loss journey two years ago, weighing in at 168lbs. By making minor adjustments to his diet and exercise habits, he successfully shed 14lbs in two years.

Establishing a Healthy Routine

In the beginning, Kenpachi_reddit started making small changes to his diet. He began consuming more protein and fewer carbs while keeping his calorie intake in check. He began walking or running every day, even if it were just for 10 minutes, and he did various exercises like planks, squats, and lunges. Eventually, going to the gym became a regular part of his routine.

Overcoming Obstacles

Like any weight loss journey, Kenpachi_reddit had to overcome obstacles. During his 2-year journey, he suffered from knee pain and plateaued a few times. He overcame these obstacles by slowing down or taking breaks. He also changed up his exercises, seeking advice and professional help from a physical therapist and personal trainer.

Celebrating Victories

Small victories are important in any weight loss journey. Kenpachi_reddit saw results in his weight loss journey and others started noticing too. He received compliments from friends and family that kept him motivated to continue his journey.


Kenpachi_reddit's weight loss journey is a testament to how small and consistent changes can lead to big results over time. His journey was not easy, but he remained persistent to achieve his goals. Anyone can start their weight management journey with small changes to their diet and exercise routine. Consultation or professional help can aid people in overcoming obstacles, and celebrating small milestones can keep them motivated to stay on track.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.