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A Successful 71Lbs Weight Loss Journey: Learn From Vicious Veeva's Experience

Discover how Reddit user Vicious_Veeva achieved a stunning 71lbs weight loss success through perseverance and hard work.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'4" female showing a weight reduction from 247 pounds to 176 pounds. A respectable loss of 71 pounds.
F/43/5’4” [247lbs > 176lbs = 71lbs] I had to take the dress in!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Reddit user Vicious_Veeva recently shared photos of her 71lbs weight loss journey that quickly generated over 1000 upvotes and numerous comments. Through her posts, we can trace her progress over time, learn from her successes and failures to inspire others to try their weight loss journey.

Purposeful Weight Loss Strategy

Vicious_Veeva followed a strategic approach, aiming to reduce weight healthily and sustainably through portion control, restricted sugar and carb intake, and regular exercise. At the same time, she emphasized the importance of finding healthy and enjoyable foods to balance her cravings and stay motivated. She also noted how she tracked her progress, kept herself accountable and set specific goals to keep her progress consistent.

Positive Mindset and Support

Additionally, it is evident through her posts that Vicious_Veeva adopted a strong positive mindset to keep herself motivated throughout her weight loss journey. She took pride in her progress and never gave up, even when occasionally indulging in her cravings. Moreover, she received lots of positive feedback and support from her friends and followers who encouraged her to keep going and stay strong.

The Transformative Results

In just over a year, Vicious_Veeva has achieved a remarkable weight loss of 71lbs, decreasing her weight from 247lbs to 176lbs. Her posts show her stunning transformation, with the dress she wore approximately one year ago being now oversized. Her results are proof that maintaining determination and a strategic approach can result in positive and transformative changes.


It is essential to note that everyone's body type, metabolism and weight loss goal varies. Therefore, a personalized and strategic approach is crucial to achieving your weight loss goals. Like Vicious_Veeva, who found what works for her, we must be patient, purposeful, and persistent, especially when faced with challenges or feeling demotivated. Use her journey as an inspiration, empower yourself, and seek support from friends and family to keep pushing towards a healthier, happier life.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.