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Missjohoe's 50Lbs Weight Journey: a Story of Sweat and Progress

Follow missjohoe's inspiring weight loss journey from 220lbs to 170lbs through hard work and dedication. Learn about her workout routines and diet changes.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'9" female showing a weight reduction from 220 pounds to 170 pounds. A total loss of 50 pounds.
F/37/5’9” [220lbs > 170lbs = 50lbs] Not the greatest before photo, I apologize, but you can still tell a major difference. The sweat says it all. <3
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Missjohoe, a 37-year-old female, has successfully shed 50lbs in her weight loss journey. Her transformation is a testimony to the effectiveness of consistent effort and discipline. Through her reddit posts, she shares her story, inspiring many others who are struggling with weight issues. Though not the greatest 'before' photo, it still shows a major difference from where she started.

Workout Routine

Missjohoe's transformation was achieved by incorporating a consistent workout routine into her daily schedule. She focused primarily on cardio, using a mix of running, spinning, and rowing. She also incorporated strength training exercises targeting different muscle groups on different days of the week. By following her routine consistently, she progressively increased weights and reps resulting in measurable progress.

Diet Changes

Missjohoe made significant dietary changes as part of her weight-loss journey. She replaced high-carb snacks and sugary drinks with fresh fruits, vegetables, and lots of water. She also started cooking her own meals and focusing more on protein-rich foods like chicken and fish. By making these conscious choices, her energy levels and mood have improved greatly. Her meals are now intrinsically enjoyable and fulfilling.

The Importance of Support

Missjohoe's journey was not without challenges, but she had the support of friends and family who encouraged her at every step. She also acknowledged the importance of finding motivation from within oneself. Staying consistent, celebrating small victories and avoiding negative self-talk are some of the ways she kept herself motivated and on track.


Missjohoe's weight loss journey reinforces the importance of consistently putting in effort towards achieving one's goals. She provides insights and inspiration to anyone struggling with their weight or fitness journey. Her journey demonstrates that, with perseverance, discipline, and the right mindset, anyone can achieve their goals. By incorporating the healthy habits and routines that worked for missjohoe, you too can start your own journey towards a healthier and happier life.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.