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A User's Weight Loss Journey: Lessons Learned and Milestones Achieved

Follow a Reddit user's inspiring weight loss journey, with lessons learned and milestones achieved along the way. Read on!

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 6'0" male showing a weight reduction from 386 pounds to 225 pounds. A net loss of 161 pounds.
M/31/6’0” [386lbs > 225lbs = 161lbs lost] 36 months of work.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


One of the most difficult aspects of losing weight is staying motivated, and one Reddit user’s journey is testament to just that. Although the original post has since been deleted, the user’s inspiring journey is still worth sharing.

Starting Point

The user, whose identity remains anonymous, began their weight loss journey by focusing on nutrition. They cut down on processed foods and carbohydrates and increased their intake of fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. In addition, they began tracking their daily calorie intake through apps like MyFitnessPal to stay on track.

Lessons Learned

The user quickly discovered the importance of setting achievable goals, tracking progress, and celebrating milestones. They also emphasized the need to find a support system, whether it be through online communities like Reddit or in-person groups. Seeking professional help, such as seeing a registered dietician or personal trainer, was also a key factor in their success.

Milestones Achieved

The user’s weight loss journey was not without its setbacks, but they persevered and hit multiple milestones along the way. From fitting into old clothes to running a 5k, each achievement served as motivation to keep going. They also realized that weight loss is not just about a number on a scale, but about feeling more energized and confident in everyday life.


Weight loss journeys are unique to each individual, but the lessons learned and milestones achieved by this Reddit user can inspire anyone looking to make a change. By focusing on nutrition, setting achievable goals, finding support, and celebrating milestones, anyone can achieve success on their weight loss journey.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.