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Mackgilly's 15Lb Weight Loss Journey: Insights and Achievements

This article explores a Reddit user's inspiring story about losing 15lbs through gym consistency and healthy eating in 8 months. It shares insights and reactions from commenters about weight loss progress, routine and success.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'1" woman showing a fat loss from 145 pounds to 130 pounds. A total loss of 15 pounds.
F/25/5’1”[145lbs>130lbs=15lbs] (8 months) not quite at my end goal, but have made a lot of progress. Feeling pretty proud of myself after months of gym consistency and eating healthy.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight can be an arduous process, but with consistency and discipline, it is an achievable goal. A Reddit user, Mackgilly, shared her weight loss journey which entailed losing 15 pounds over eight months. Her progress and achievements have inspired others to continue working towards their weight loss goals.

The Journey

Mackgilly started at 165 lbs but was unable to take pictures due to depression and unhealthy habits. However, after eight months of persistence, discipline and staying true to her fitness routine at the gym and healthy eating habits, she lost 15lbs. The results were astounding, as the difference in her photos showed a significant transformation in body weight and muscle growth.

Reactions and Insights

Many commenters on her post were amazed at the progress that was made in eight months through consistency in eating and working out. A user, Raspberryz247, expressed amazement at Mackgilly's progress and said it reminded her to keep going in her own journey. The article encourages readers to understand that losing weight could be challenging, especially for petite figures, but incremental progress, as displayed in Mackgilly's journey, is a process.

Routine and Success

Another user commented on Mackgilly's core muscles and asked for her routine, while others dissected the possibility of weight loss procedures such as reduced drinking, targeted workouts, and eating habits. However, it appears that Mackgilly's consistent fitness and healthy eating routine were significant factors in achieving her goals for weight loss. Commenters acknowledged the importance of a weight tracking app, focused workouts and building supportive strength to alleviate pain.


Mackgilly's story is a testament to the importance of discipline in achieving fitness goals. By committing to consistent exercise and healthy eating habits, the road to physical fitness is more than achievable. The advice that commenters have shared is an embodiment of a commitment to fitness and discipline. So, readers can take inspiration from Mackgilly as they make progress towards their fitness goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.