F/23/5'9: 42 Lbs Heavier and Proud a Former Anorexic's Story

This is a picture of a woman's progress in overcoming anorexia. She has gone from 113 pounds to 155 pounds, a change of 42 pounds. She is 5'9 tall and is female.

Article by Madeleine Smith

Published 2 years ago

Originally posted on /r/progresspics

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πŸ’ͺ Weight Gain Progress

Starting Weight

Current Weight

BMI Change

17.1 β†’ 23.5 6.4 point change

A 23-year-old woman who is 5'9 tall and weighed 113 pounds has posted a progress photo on Reddit with the title F/23/5'9 [113 lbs > 155 lbs = 42 lbs] i beat anorexia's ass. The woman has gained 42 pounds and now weighs 155 pounds.

Congrats babe! I haven’t beat mine but I know how hard it must have been! Super super strong, you look amazing! Honestly I wanna get like this one day, these pics are inspiring

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