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A Journey Towards Health: a Reddit User Shares Their Weight Loss Story

Follow the journey of a Reddit user who made a commitment to improve their health and lose weight. Learn from their experiences and try some things out for yourself.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'4" woman showing a weight cut from 263 pounds to 198 pounds. A total loss of 65 pounds.
F/28/5’4” [263 > 198 = 65] took 6 months to lose 50 lbs, then 4 months to lose 15. Fighting through the plateau from hell through strength training and cute workout sets!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

The Decision to Change

One day, the Reddit user decided enough was enough. They were tired of feeling unhealthy and unhappy with their body. They knew they needed to make a change. So, they set a goal for themselves and committed to it. They started small, with simple changes to their diet and exercise routine.

Small Changes, Big Results

The Reddit user began tracking their meals and choosing healthier options. They incorporated more fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins into their diet. They also started exercising regularly, even if it was just a short walk around the block. Over time, these small changes added up and they began to see results. They felt more energetic and their clothes began to fit better.

Plateaus and Setbacks

Of course, the journey towards better health is not always a straight path. The Reddit user experienced plateaus where they seemed to hit a wall in their weight loss progress. They also had setbacks, such as slip-ups in their diet or injuries that prevented them from exercising. However, they did not let these obstacles defeat them. They persevered and kept going.

The Power of Support

One thing that helped the Reddit user stay motivated was the support of others. They found encouragement from friends and family, both in person and online. They also turned to online communities, such as Reddit, where they could connect with others going through similar struggles. They found advice, inspiration, and accountability through these communities.

Continuing the Journey

The Reddit user's journey is ongoing, but they have already accomplished so much. They have lost weight, improved their health, and gained confidence. They know that there will be challenges ahead, but they are ready to face them. Their advice to others is to start small, be patient with oneself, and seek support when needed. Whether it's losing weight or making any other change towards a healthier lifestyle, it's important to remember that every small step counts.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.