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How a Reddit User Went From 228 to 199 Lbs Through Keto and Cutting Down on Gluten

Read how this 26-year-old woman reached her weight-loss goals through her battle with gluten and the Keto diet.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'11" woman showing a weight cut from 228 pounds to 199 pounds. A total loss of 29 pounds.
26/F/5'11½" - 228 to 199 - First time under 200 lbs since I was 20, and still going!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

The motivation to cut down gluten

A Reddit user 'aimsly' went on a journey from 228lbs to 199lbs through Keto and reducing gluten intake. It all started when she read Wheat Belly and found it helpful that her in-laws went wheat-free and lost weight. This encouraged her to go wheat-free, but she discovered her substitutes still contained gluten, which presumably defeated the purpose.

Enter Keto

Aimsly soon tried the Keto diet, however, she encountered difficulties trying to stay under 20 g net carbs. On average, she was consuming anywhere between 25-35% carbs, but the majority of that came from high-fibre fruits and vegetables instead of processed white sugar which stopped her from achieving speedy results. Nonetheless, it did work in combination with her continued gluten reduction.

Monitoring caloric intake

Her daily calorie intake of around 1210 has helped, yet it's relatively low for her height. She makes sure to eat close to or above her daily intake on days she exercises, ensuring she has a varied diet packed with unprocessed fruits and vegetables.

Watching out for sugar

A Reddit user named RatjarChug encouraged aimsly to monitor sugar intake due to its prevalence in junk food. To mitigate this, she now consumes sugar substitutes such as Xylitol.

Try it for yourself

Aimsly's weight loss journey wasn't easy, but incorporating Keto, gluten reduction, and monitoring caloric intake helped her achieve her goals. It's important to note that her journey was specific to her needs and may not work for others. Nonetheless, it's a reminder that losing weight is a gradual process and is achievable for everyone who wants it.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.