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A Real Life Weight Loss Journey: F/31/5'3'' From 136Lbs to 122Lbs in 2 Years

Read about a Reddit user's successful weight loss journey, going from 136lbs to 122lbs over the course of two years. Discover her inspiring story and take away tips that you can try for yourself.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'3" female showing a weight reduction from 136 pounds to 122 pounds. A respectable loss of 14 pounds.
F/31/5’3” [136lbs > 122lbs = 14lbs] these are two years apart
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

The Starting Point

The user, a 31-year-old female who stands at 5'3'' and weighed 136lbs, decided to embark on a weight loss journey to achieve a healthier lifestyle. She took it slow and steady by making small positive changes to her daily routine.

The Path to Success

Over a period of 2 years, the user gradually lost weight by adopting healthy habits such as tracking her food intake, staying active, and finding a workout she really enjoyed. She didn't cut out any food groups entirely and instead focussed on portion control and mindful eating habits. The user also found group fitness classes to be effective and enjoyable for her.

The Weight Loss Milestones

Through her continuous efforts, the user successfully lost 14lbs and reported feeling much fitter, stronger, and more energized than before. She celebrated every milestone along the way, allowing her to stay motivated and positive throughout her journey.

The Takeaway

The Reddit user's inspiring journey shows that losing weight and achieving a healthier lifestyle is a continuous process that requires patience, dedication and making positive changes to your daily routine. Remember that slow and steady wins the race, and celebrating your success along the way can help to stay motivated and positive throughout your journey. Find what works for you, adopt healthy habits that you can maintain long-term, and remain consistent in your efforts.


While everyone's weight loss journey is unique, the Reddit user's tips and experience can serve as an inspiration and a guide for anyone who wants to embark on their own journey towards a healthier lifestyle. Remember that small changes can lead to big results, and always celebrate your progress along the way. Stay positive, stay motivated and don't give up, and success will surely come your way!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.