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A Reddit User's Weight Loss Journey: What We Can Learn From Their Posts

Follow one Reddit user's weight loss journey as they share their ups and downs along the way. Discover the tips and tricks that helped them shed the pounds.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'2" female showing a weight reduction from 173 pounds to 111 pounds. A total loss of 62 pounds.
F/24/5’2 [173lbs>111lbs=62lbs] (1 year) all behavior is belief driven
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Many people turn to online communities to support them on their weight loss journey. One such group is Reddit's r/loseit, where users share tips, progress updates, and motivation with each other. One anonymous user's journey caught our attention, with their insightful and relatable posts that chronicle their weight loss journey.

The Starting Point

The user, whose username has been deleted, began their weight loss journey at 273 pounds. They were struggling with binge eating disorder and had tried various diets and exercise regimens in the past without much success. However, they were determined to make a change for their health and well-being.

The Journey Begins

The user started by tracking their calories using a food scale and MyFitnessPal app. They found that being mindful of their intake helped them make healthier choices and avoid overeating. They also started incorporating daily walks and yoga into their routine, which helped them feel more energized and less stressed.

The Ups and Downs

Throughout their journey, the user experienced ups and downs. They shared their victories, such as hitting their first milestone of losing 20 pounds and being able to fit into smaller clothes. They also shared their struggles, such as dealing with setbacks and binge eating episodes. However, they never gave up and continued to push forward.

What We Can Learn

The anonymous user's weight loss journey provides valuable insights and tips for anyone looking to shed pounds. From tracking calories to finding a form of exercise that works for you, there are many strategies that may help. However, the most important takeaway is the power of determination and perseverance. By staying committed to their goal, the user was able to make lasting changes and improve their health and well-being. If you're looking to make changes in your own life, take inspiration from this Reddit user and try different strategies until you find what works for you. With a little determination, anything is possible.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.