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From Depression to Transformation: a Reddit User's Weight Loss Journey

Read about how one Reddit user's journey out of depression and addiction led to a remarkable physical transformation, losing 43lbs in 3 years.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'4" female showing a weight loss from 170 pounds to 127 pounds. A total loss of 43 pounds.
F/34/5’4” [170lbs > 127lbs = 43lbs] 2018-2021 A long journey out of depression, alcohol/nicotine addiction & a dying relationship. I am a completely different person now and I’m never going back.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

One Reddit user’s transformation story is more than just impressive physical changes; it’s a narrative of overcoming depression, addiction, and relationship struggles. In just three years, they’ve transformed their entire life, starting with their weight.

A Long Journey of Self-Discovery

The journey began in 2018, at 170 pounds, after leaving a dying relationship and struggling with depression, alcohol, and nicotine addiction. They decided to take control of their life, and the weight loss journey began. Since then, they have lost an incredible 43 pounds, going from size 8 to 2, and gained a new perspective on life.

Hitting Plateaus and Breaking Through Them

Their successful weight loss journey did not come without bumps in the road. When they plateaued at around 140-135 pounds, they knew it was time to switch up their workout routine. By doing new workouts and shaking up their routine, they were able to break through the plateau and achieve their goals.

A New Person in Every Way

This Reddit user isn’t just a different weight- they’re a completely different person. Their journey has given them new life, and they confidently show it off in a series of progress pictures posted to Reddit. They’re happier, healthier, and have found new, positive ways to cope with any stress.

The Importance of Focusing on Mental Health as Well as Weight Loss

While their physical transformation is impressive, they emphasize the importance of their mental health journey, stating that it has been just as impactful in their life. Reddit users in the comments shared similar struggles and commended the poster on their success. If you’re looking for inspiration, you might find it in the progress of this incredible Reddit user, reminding us all that it’s possible to change for the better physically, mentally, and emotionally.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.