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From Struggling to Fit to Fitness Enthusiast: One User’s Reddit Weight Journey

A look at one anonymous user's weight journey through their Reddit posts.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'3" woman showing a weight cut from 169 pounds to 139 pounds. A total loss of 30 pounds.
F/31/5’3 [169 > 139 = 30 lbs] (6 months) Getting stronger every day!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

The Struggle

One user, who remains anonymous, began their weight loss journey at an unhealthy weight. Their Reddit posts chronicle the difficulties of maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine while managing a busy schedule. They frequently identified as a 'struggling-to-fit' individual and shared their frustrations with the community.

The Turning Point

After an extended period of struggling with weight loss, the user posted about their first significant weight loss milestone. They had lost 25 pounds and were thrilled with their new progress. The community showed an outpouring of support and congratulations, further fueling the user's motivation to continue on their journey.

The Journey Continues

Over time, the user continued to share updates on their progress. They reached new milestones, pushing past their initial 25-pound weight loss and starting to incorporate strength training into their routine. They quickly became a fitness enthusiast, sharing updates on new personal records in the gym and enjoying experimenting with new healthy recipes.

Lessons Learned

Throughout their journey, the anonymous user learned valuable lessons about weight loss and fitness. They emphasized the importance of tracking their food intake and being mindful of their portions. They also found success in incorporating workouts into their busy schedule, even if they had to wake up earlier or take some work breaks to get their exercise in.


This user's journey showcases that weight loss and fitness are a challenging but rewarding journey. It takes consistency, patience, and dedication to make progress. No matter what struggles you face, perseverance and a supportive community can make even the most daunting goals achievable.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.