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A Reddit User's Weight Journey: From 325Lbs to 212Lbs

Follow a Reddit user's weight journey as they cut down from 325lbs to 212lbs through weightlifting and a calorie deficit. Learn how they deal with fatigue and demotivation and what advice they receive to keep moving forward.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 6'4" male showing a snapshot of 212 pounds at a height of 6'4
[BoC] M/28/6'4"/212lbs, cut down from 325 since jan14, getting fatigued from deficit+weightlifting
Originally posted on /r/BulkOrCut


A Reddit user with the username ‘stingy8’ has been sharing their weight loss journey on the subreddit ‘Bodyweight and Orthodoxy Challenge’. Since January 2015, the user managed to cut down from 325lbs to 212lbs. They share their thoughts and experiences with fellow Redditors and seek advice on how to continue their weight loss journey.

Cutting and Weightlifting

The user began their weight loss journey by cutting down their calorie intake and doing the StrongLifts 5x5 weightlifting program. However, after six weeks, the user started missing reps and feeling demotivated. They wondered if they should up their calorie intake or continue with the program with a calorie deficit. Fellow Redditors advised the user to continue with the program but to cut down to 200 or 190lbs before bulking.

Dealing with Demotivation

The user felt demotivated after missing reps and feeling fatigued. They shared their concerns with fellow Redditors, who advised them to stay on the program and not give up. The user realized that their progress was slow but steady, and they were seeing changes in their thighs and back. The user decided to lower their calorie deficit to see if it would help with their fatigue.

Lessons Learned

This Reddit user's weight loss journey teaches us a few lessons. Firstly, losing weight is not easy, and sometimes it takes longer than expected. Secondly, sticking to a program and being consistent is key. Thirdly, seeking advice and support from others can help keep you motivated and on track. Finally, it takes time and effort to see results, but with persistence and determination, success is achievable.


The weight loss journey of this Reddit user shows that it is possible to lose weight through a combination of cutting calories, weightlifting, and seeking support from others. However, it is not an easy journey, and there will be moments of fatigue and demotivation. The key is to stay consistent, seek advice, and remember that progress, no matter how small, is still progress. Whether you are looking to lose weight or achieve any other goal, remember to be patient and persistent, and success will come.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.