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Lazy to Active: Reddit User's 4 Month, 226 to 204 Lbs Journey

Read about a user's weight journey from lazy to active, losing 22lbs in 4 months and gaining muscle mass through a combination of clean eating and lifting.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'11" male showing a weight loss from 226 pounds to 204 pounds. A total loss of 22 pounds.
M/24/5'11" From lazy to active. 4 months progress. 226 to 204 Lbs
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

Introduction - A Journey from Lazy to Active

This Reddit user, intel_908, shared his weight journey and progress over the course of 4 months. At the beginning, he weighed 226 lbs; however, through a combination of lifting and clean eating, he was able to shed 22 lbs and gain muscle mass.

The Workout Routine - Focused on Major Muscle Groups

His routine focused on hitting each major muscle group 1-2x/week in a split that was easy to stick to. The muscle groups were: chest/bicep, tricep/back, shoulders/trapeze, legs/abs, and a cardio day. He performed 4-5 exercises of each muscle group during his workouts, aiming for sets of 3x8. Recently, he has incorporated dropsets into his workout routine.

Clean Eating Diet Plan - Less Processed Foods, More Fruits and Vegetables

While on this weight journey, intel_908 incorporated clean eating into his lifestyle. This involved steering clear of sodas, cakes, cookies, and french fries. He reduced his intake of potatoes, pasta, and bread, and instead boosted his consumption of fruits and vegetables. When asked about protein intake, he suggested ingesting proteins equal to one's weight in grams per day - a practice he personally doesn't adhere to. He blends ice, water, and protein powder to increase his daily protein intake.

Reception - Positive Feedback and Questions

Intel_908's progress was met with positive feedback and questions from other Reddit users. Several users congratulated him on his progress, while others inquired about his lifting routine and clean eating diet plan. One user asked about 'clean eating,' and intel_908 mentioned steering clear of processed foods and eating more fruits and vegetables. Questions about protein intake were also raised, with intel_908 suggesting ingesting proteins equal to one's weight in grams per day.

Conclusion - Try Things Out for Yourself

Intel_908's weight journey is one of many, and his routine might not be the perfect fit for everyone. However, it is worth noting that through his conscious efforts of incorporating a workout routine and clean eating into his lifestyle, he was able to shed weight and gain muscle mass. His journey serves as an inspiration for others looking to embark on a weight loss journey. It is important to remember that everyone's body is different, so it is essential to try things and see what works best for your body and lifestyle.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.