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The Inspiring Weight Journey of Anidiot2Day: Striving for Success

Read about the amazing weight loss journey of reddit user anidiot2day who lost 118lbs in 3 years, and find inspiration for your own journey.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'3" female showing a weight reduction from 325 pounds to 207 pounds. A total loss of 118 pounds.
F/29/5’3” [325lbs > 207lbs = 118lbs] (3 years) still a work in progress but I finally have a waist!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Reddit user anidiot2day recently shared their amazing weight loss journey which took three years, and how they went from 325lbs to 207lbs, losing an incredible 118lbs. According to the poster, the journey is still a work in progress, but they are finally seeing remarkable progress and even has a waist - an extraordinary achievement that calls for awe and inspiration.

The Journey Begins

The journey towards a healthier lifestyle wasn’t easy for anidiot2day. They started with making small changes such as cutting down on processed foods and sugar, and replacing them with more whole foods. Then the user gradually added more physical activities such as swimming and running to their daily routines. Anidiot2day used CICO (calories in, calories out) method in which they tracked their caloric intake and ensured a caloric deficit every day.

Finding Inspiration

Anidiot2day found inspiration throughout their journey from various sources. Friends and family were a constant source of motivation and support, and the user also credited online communities for providing valuable tips, advice, and encouragement. The user stated that they found inspiration in seeing others’ transformation stories, which gave them the confidence to keep pushing forward.

The Importance of Self-Care

As anidiot2day worked towards their weight loss goal, they learned the importance of self-care. The user made sure not to deprive themselves of their favorite foods, but instead built healthy habits and practices around them. Anidiot2day also prioritized self-care activities like getting enough rest, practicing mindfulness, and finding ways to reduce stress, which allowed them to stay committed and focused on achieving their goals.


Anidiot2day’s journey shows that weight loss is possible with the right mindset, motivation, and support. By making small changes and building healthy habits, anyone can make significant progress towards a healthier lifestyle. The user’s story is an inspiration to many, and we hope that it will encourage and motivate others who are also striving to achieve their weight-loss goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.