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From Overweight to Strong: a Reddit User's Journey of Losing 41Lbs in a Year and 4 Months

Read the inspiring story of a female Reddit user who lost weight and gained muscle through bulking and shredding cycles, healthy eating, and good form.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'4" female showing a weight loss from 225 pounds to 184 pounds. A respectable loss of 41 pounds.
F/33/5’4” [225>184=41lbs] I’ve been able to put back on some weight with bulking and I’m feeling positive about the growth I’m seeing, mentally and physically. One year and 4 months from that girl on the left to now. Hair, body, and life got better this year for me!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight is never an easy feat, but it is possible with hard work and dedication. A Reddit user, who goes by the handle BitterlyRadiant, is a great example of someone who was able to transform herself from an overweight person to a strong and healthy individual. In this post, she shares her inspiring journey.

Bulking and Shredding

BitterlyRadiant follows a cycle of bulking and shredding every couple of months. During the bulking phase, she focuses on eating a lot more calories, especially protein, and not doing any cardio, only lifting heavy weights to get three sets of four reps. During shredding, she switches to intermittent fasting and walks on an incline for 20 minutes. She also cuts down on the weight and does higher reps (three sets of eight to 12 reps).

Healthy Eating

BitterlyRadiant believes that what you eat is as important as how you work out. She pays close attention to her body and what it needs, and she knows that it changes depending on what she's doing at the gym. She focuses on eating a clean and healthy diet, even if she is bulking and consuming more calories than usual. She knows that the quality of her food plays a huge role in how well she will perform and feel.

Good Form

BitterlyRadiant knows that good form is essential to prevent injuries and get the most out of each exercise. She emphasizes that it's better to lift lighter weights with good form than to use heavy weights with poor form. She also knows that building strength and muscles comes gradually and requires patience and consistency. She encourages everyone to focus on their form and listen to their bodies.


BitterlyRadiant's transformation took her only one year and four months, and she is proud of the progress she has made. She looks and feels great, and her life has become better in many ways. Her story is a reminder that losing weight and getting fit is a journey, not a destination. By following her example and focusing on healthy eating, proper form, and consistency, anyone can reach their fitness goals, too.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.