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A Reddit User’s Weight Loss Journey: Inspiring Progress and Results

Follow the journey of a Reddit user’s weight loss progress, with over 2952 upvotes and inspiring results.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'9" male showing a muscle gain from 120 pounds to 165 pounds. A net gain of 45 pounds.


Reddit users are known for sharing their personal experiences with a supportive community. One such user has been sharing their journey towards weight loss, with inspiring progress and results. With over 2952 upvotes, their post has garnered attention and support from others who are also on a weight loss journey.

Starting Off

The user began their journey by tracking their calorie intake using a food diary app. They also started incorporating more whole foods and vegetables into their diet while reducing their consumption of processed foods. At first, they found it difficult to stick to their new diet but with time, they became more disciplined and their cravings for junk food decreased.

Consistency is Key

The user maintained consistency in their daily routine to ensure their weight loss journey was successful. They created a regular exercise routine, going to the gym at least five times a week. They also ensured they got enough sleep, which helped them feel more energized and productive throughout the day.

Results and Progress

The user has lost a significant amount of weight, and their progress is inspiring. Not only have they achieved their desired weight, but they also feel more confident and happy in their own skin. Their overall health has improved, and they have experienced fewer health issues.


The journey towards weight loss is not an easy one, but it is achievable with discipline, consistency, and patience. The Reddit user's inspiring story shows that with time and effort, you can achieve your goals. Start by making small changes in your habits and diet, and slowly work towards building a healthier lifestyle. Though remember, everyone's journey is different, and what works for one person might not work for you.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.