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One Reddit User's Weight Loss Journey: a Story of Perseverance

Follow a Reddit user's weight loss journey through their posts and discover the tips and tricks that worked for them.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'10" female showing a weight reduction from 201 pounds to 179 pounds. A respectable loss of 22 pounds.

Starting from Scratch

Our Reddit user, whose username and post have since been deleted, began their weight loss journey weighing 240 pounds. They began by simply logging their food and exercise in an app to get a baseline understanding of their current habits.

Small Changes Lead to Big Results

After a few weeks of tracking their habits, the user began implementing small changes that had a big impact. They started by swapping out soda for water and incorporating more fruits and vegetables into their diet. They also began incorporating more movement into their day by taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

Staying Accountable

One of the most important factors in our Reddit user's success was finding ways to stay accountable. They joined an online weight loss community and also shared their progress with friends and family. By having a support system and regularly checking in with their progress, they were able to stay motivated and on track.

Tracking Progress

As the user continued on their weight loss journey, they found it helpful to track their progress in a variety of ways. They took progress photos, measured their waistline, and regularly checked in with their energy levels and overall health. By tracking their progress in multiple ways, they were able to see the progress they were making even when the number on the scale didn't budge.

Continued Success

Through dedication and perseverance, our Reddit user was able to reach their goal weight of 170 pounds. Their weight loss journey was not without its ups and downs, but they credit their success to making small, sustainable changes and finding ways to stay motivated along the way. If you're looking to make a change in your own life, take a page out of this Reddit user's book and start with small changes that can lead to big results.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.