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65Lb Weight Loss: How One Reddit User Achieved Success

Discover the secrets behind one man's 65lb weight loss journey through clean eating, daily steps and kettlebells

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 6'2" male showing a weight loss from 270 pounds to 215 pounds. A net loss of 55 pounds.
M/37/6'2" [270lbs>215lbs=65lbs] eating clean, daily step goal, and kettlebells
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Reddit user mnsmokerguy achieved significant weight loss, dropping 65lbs. His post garnered 175 upvotes, drawing attention to the lifestyle changes he's made.

Method for Success

Mnsmokerguy attributed his success to several lifestyle changes. First, he committed himself to a daily step goal of 10,000 steps, which helped him prioritize movement throughout the day. Secondly, he started a daily kettlebell routine of 100 swings and 10 Turkish getups to build strength and burn calories. Thirdly, he adopted a clean eating lifestyle. Breakfast typically consisted of a yogurt or Cliff Bar and lunch was an Atkins shake. For dinner, he ate whatever he wanted but kept portions controlled.

The Power of Consistency

Mnsmokerguy's story highlights the importance of consistency. Although he didn't always hit his daily step goal or follow his eating plan perfectly, he didn't let a bad day or week derail him. He gained momentum and found motivation in the compliments he received from friends and family who noticed his weight loss progress.

Celebrating Success

Mnsmokerguy's post also garnered attention for an unexpected reason - the cash in his photo. He revealed that he won a volunteer club event drawing. Celebrating success and rewarding ourselves is important in maintaining motivation and positivity. Mnsmokerguy's cash prize acted as a reminder to keep pushing towards his health goals.


Mnsmokerguy's weight loss journey showcases the value of making realistic, sustainable lifestyle changes to achieve success. His story serves as an inspiration to others on their own fitness journeys, encouraging them to find a method that works for their unique needs, and emphasizing that consistency and determination are key.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.