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One User's Inspiring Weight Loss Journey: a Reddit User's Saga

Read the inspiring tale of one anonymous reddit user's weight loss journey, as told through their posts and comments. Learn from their successes and struggles along the way.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'8" man showing a muscle gain from 110 pounds to 155 pounds. A respectable gain of 45 pounds.


It's no secret that losing weight can be a difficult and sometimes frustrating task. For one anonymous reddit user, their weight loss journey has been a long and sometimes painful process. However, through determination and hard work, they have managed to shed a significant amount of weight, becoming a source of inspiration for others on the platform.

The Beginning of the Journey

The user, who has since deleted their account, began their weight loss journey by taking small steps such as cutting down on sugary drinks and eating healthier options. They also started exercising more frequently and tracking their food intake using a popular app. Over time, they were able to gradually increase their exercise routine and make smarter food choices, resulting in consistent weight loss.

The Struggle is Real

While the user experienced significant progress, they also faced setbacks and struggles along the way. At one point, they were struggling with binge eating and feeling discouraged by their lack of progress. However, through the support of fellow redditors and their own determination, the user was able to push past these moments and continue on their journey.

Celebrating Success

Despite the difficult moments, the user continued to see progress and milestones in their weight loss journey. They celebrated these successes on the platform and shared tips for others who were also trying to lose weight. The user's progress was marked by their frequent updates and the support of fellow redditors, who often cheered them on in the comments section.


While the anonymous redditor's account may no longer exist, their journey remains an inspiring tale for others looking to lose weight. Their consistent effort and determination, combined with the support of the reddit community, proves that weight loss is possible with hard work and the right mindset. Whether you're just starting out on your weight loss journey, or looking for motivation to continue, this story serves as a reminder that success can be achieved, one step at a time.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.