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35Lbs Weight Gain Journey Fueled by Mental Health Recovery

A Reddit user, uhhhlydia shares her weight gain journey fueled by mental health recovery. From BMI classified as underweight, she gained 35lbs in six years and achieved a healthy BMI classification. Her mental health recovery was progressive but she shares tips on managing anxiety through soups and stews and little snacks in between as well as weightlifting to improve overall well-being.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'8" female showing a weight bulk from 110 pounds to 145 pounds. A net gain of 35 pounds.
F/22/5’8 [110<145 = 35lbs] These pictures are 7 years apart, same height, with the first being when I was struggling with my mental health and was so anxious I was never hungry. I look back at that and am grateful 💪
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

Mental Health Recovery Brings Healthy Weight

Reddit user, uhhhlydia, shared her weight gain journey, fueled by mental health recovery. The post showed a seven-year difference between two pictures with the same height. In the first picture where she was struggling with mental health, she had a BMI of 17.5, which classified her as underweight, and in the second picture, her BMI was 22. The journey from underweight to achieving a healthy classification was considerable and impressive.

Healthy Weight Gain: Tips

The post attracted many comments from users who admired her progress while sharing their personal experiences. Some commented that they were trying to lose weight, while a few others were trying to gain weight healthily. One user shared their experience of struggling with anxiety and eating, and uhhhlydia shared her tips on how she managed her anxiety. These tips include eating soft foods like soups and stews or little snacks between meals to trick her mind into eating. Additionally, she mentioned that weightlifting helped her with anxiety.

A Battle with Mental Health

Uhuhlydia admitted that mental health recovery was not easy, and it was an everyday battle for her. She stated that some days, it exhausts her, and other days she feels capable. The journey of mental health recovery can be challenging, but as stated, it is achievable with constant effort from the individual.

Weightlifting and Mental Health

Weightlifting was mentioned several times in the comments, and uhhhlydia recommended it to anyone struggling with anxiety and mental health. Physical exercise is an excellent way to boost overall well-being, and weightlifting increases the production of endorphins to improve mood and promote relaxation. Moreover, it can boost an individual's self-image and build self-confidence.

The Importance of Mental Health Advocacy

The post by uhhhlydia sparked a necessary conversation on mental health recovery and weight gain or weight loss. It is essential to advocate for better mental health care and to remove the stigma surrounding mental health. Mental health is just as important as physical health, and individuals should have access to relevant resources to achieve the best possible outcomes for their overall well-being.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.