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37 Pound Weight Loss Journey: a Reddit User Success Story

Read about a successful weight loss journey of a Reddit user who lost 37 pounds through changing her lifestyle and forming healthier habits

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'10" woman showing a weight cut from 180 pounds to 143 pounds. A total loss of 37 pounds.
F/24/5’10”[180lbs>143lbs=37lbs] Happy Thursday everyone! Fell off track for alittle while there, but im now remembering where I started. It won’t always be fun, you won’t always be motivated, but when you feel that kick of inspiration again, GO WITH IT. One bad day won’t ruin your progress.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


A Reddit user with the username 'angeelaaa_' has shared her weight loss journey with the online community. She started at 180lbs and is now 143lbs which means she lost 37 pounds. Her progress has gained the attention of other users who praised her dedication and hard work.

Lessons Learned

The Reddit user offers valuable insights into her weight loss journey. According to her, losing weight requires a lifestyle change where people start paying attention to their diet and incorporating more physical activities. She tries to be more active every day and engages in activities she enjoys such as running, walking, and roller-skating. She also talks about the importance of listening to our bodies and being mindful when eating.

Support System

Support from friends and family is an essential factor when trying to lose weight. Angeelaaa_ mentioned that people should surround themselves with supportive people who encourage them during their journey. The support from other weight loss communities like Reddit provides additional motivation and helps keep people accountable.


Angeelaaa's weight loss journey was not without its struggles. She advises others to remove the pressure of seeing results quickly while staying motivated even during days when it is tough. Angeelaaa_ also acknowledges that sometimes it is essential to live a little without feeling guilty and that it is only a little bump in the road that should not deter anyone from continuing on their journey.


Angeelaaa_'s weight loss journey shows that dedication, consistency, and patience pay off when it comes to weight loss. Even with occasional bumps in the road, it is important to stay motivated and determined to achieve the end goal. Her story should serve as an inspiration to people on their journey to a healthier lifestyle. Anyone who decides to follow in her footsteps should seek advice from their medical professional to find the best weight loss regimen and the physical activities that suit them.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.