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One Woman's 4 Year Weight Loss Journey: Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Read about one woman's 53 lb weight loss journey over 4 years, using CICO, protein, and exercise. Discover how she found inspiration on r/xxfitness.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'11" woman showing a weight cut from 203 pounds to 150 pounds. A net loss of 53 pounds.
F/26/5'11" [203 > 150 = 53 lbs] (4 years) From one family vacation to another– slow, steady, and CONSISTENT wins the race. Not hating swimsuit shopping? What a concept!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight is a journey that takes time and perseverance. For one woman, it took her four years to lose 53 pounds, but her slow and steady approach paid off.

The Journey

Using CICO as her primary strategy, this 26-year-old woman also focused on getting plenty of protein and exercise. She started with walking, which was her main calorie burner for years, but eventually added weightlifting for body recomposition. She also learned a lot from the r/xxfitness community, discovering the concept of recomposition and finding inspiration in women who focused on strength gains rather than just weight loss.

Staying Consistent

The biggest takeaway from this woman's journey is the importance of consistency. She didn't see immediate results, but she stuck with it and set smaller goals along the way, celebrating every 5 pounds lost. By focusing on slow and steady progress, she was able to lose weight without feeling deprived or sacrificing her mental or physical health.

Results and Inspiration

The results speak for themselves. This woman went from 203 pounds to 150 pounds, and is now happier, healthier, and more confident. Her journey is an inspiration to anyone looking to lose weight, and shows that it is possible to achieve lasting results with a sustainable approach.


If you're looking to lose weight, take inspiration from this woman's journey. Remember that it's not about losing weight quickly, but about staying consistent and setting achievable goals along the way. Use strategies like CICO and focus on getting plenty of protein and exercise. And don't forget the importance of finding a supportive community to keep you motivated and inspired. With time and patience, you too can achieve lasting weight loss success.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.