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From 255 to 198 Lbs: One User’s Weight Journey Towards a Healthier Life

Read how one Reddit user managed to drop over 50 pounds and finally reach a weight below 200 lbs.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'10" female showing a weight loss from 255 pounds to 198 pounds. A total loss of 57 pounds.
F/19/5’10” [255 > 198 = 52] finally under 200lbs! 28lbs to go!!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight can be a difficult journey, but with discipline and determination, it is possible to achieve significant results. One Reddit user, [deleted], recently shared their impressive weight loss journey, documenting how they went from weighing 255 pounds to finally reaching a weight under 200 pounds, and striving to lose an additional 28 pounds to achieve their goal weight.

The Struggle

The journey for [deleted] began as a freshman in college, where unhealthy eating habits and a lack of physical activity led to significant weight gain. After struggling with their weight for several years, they turned to a low-carb diet, which helped in losing about 30 pounds. Unfortunately, after years of gradually creeping weight gain, [deleted] regained the lost weight, plus more.

The Turning Point

Her health and self-confidence plummeting, [deleted] knew that it was time to make a significant change in their lifestyle. The journey to a healthier lifestyle began by cutting down sugar intake, reducing carb portions and slowly adding regular exercise. The changes seemed small, but [deleted] found that they made all the difference, and they were able to drop 15 pounds in just a few weeks.

Determination and Discipline

With a renewed sense of determination and discipline, [deleted] continued on her journey. They make healthy food choices, avoid processed foods and keep track of their meals and snacks using a food diary app. Exercise is also a crucial part of her regimen, and [deleted] engages in various activities, such as cardio, weight training, and yoga.


Through their weight loss journey, [deleted] has discovered the importance of self-care, discipline, and determination. While the journey has not been any easy one, [deleted]’s progress is undoubtedly impressive, and serves as an inspiration for others looking to lose weight and live healthier lives. Remember, the road to living a healthier life is unique to each individual. By starting small and finding what works best for you, you can also embark on a healthier lifestyle journey, just like [deleted].

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.